Northbridge Mass. Couple Convicted of Sex Abuse

A married couple from Northbridge has been convicted of sexually abusing two children.

Joseph Mayotte was found guilty in Worcester Superior Court of charges including child rape aggravated by age difference and indecent assault and battery on a child.

Prosecutors say the 50-year-old Mayotte sexually abused a girl over a five-year period beginning in 2004 when she was 8.

The Worcester Telegram & Gazette reports that Linda Mayotte was also found guilty of charges including child rape. Authorities say she had a two-year sexual relationship with a boy beginning in 2005 when he was 13.

Joseph Mayotte’s lawyer questioned the credibility of his accuser and said the abuse never occurred.

Linda Mayotte’s lawyer said she was raped by the boy, not the other way around. Sentencing is scheduled for Aug. 22.

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