Former Boston doc gets 21 years for Alaska plan to have sex with boy

A former Boston research physician is beginning a 21-year federal prison sentence for traveling to Alaska with a plan to have sex with a 5-year-old boy, federal law enforcement officials announced today.

John Mark Felton, 48, was sentenced Friday in Alaska. A citizen of the United Kingdom, Felton may pursue transfer to a UK prison pursuant to a treaty between the United States and United Kingdom, officials said.

Felton’s arrest came after an investigation by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations directorate, ICE said today in a statement.

Felton traveled to Alaska, believing that he had arranged with a man over the Internet to have sex with the man’s grandson. The “grandfather” was actually a Homeland Security Investigations agent, ICE said.

Felton also agreed to pay $20,000 to an Alaska non-profit that deals with child sex abuse victims and $5,000 to the victim depicted in a series of child exploitation photos that he had collected.

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