Mass. Man Sentenced to 10 Years for Child Porn Charge

William F. Murphy, 51, of West Roxbury, Mass., has been sentenced to 10 years in prison to be followed by 10 years of supervised release for a child pornography offense, announced Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer of the Criminal Division, U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts Carmen M. Ortiz and Richard DesLauriers, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI’s Boston Field Office.

Murphy was sentenced by U.S. District Court Chief Judge Mark L. Wolf in the District of Massachusetts.

On Aug. 13, 2010, Murphy pleaded guilty to one count of knowingly accessing child pornography with intent to view. This case arose from an FBI investigation of Murphy’s use of online peer-to-peer software to access and view visual depictions of minor females engaging in sexually explicit conduct. These images included depictions of prepubescent girls, and sadistic and masochistic conduct.

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