Judge issues warrant for Framingham sex assault suspect

The Metrowest Daily News reports that a Framingham man accused of sexual assaulting a woman at the Red Roof Inn on Sunday skipped his Framingham District Court arraignment this week.

Judge Robert Greco issued a warrant for Richard Freeman’s arrest when he failed to appear in court.

Framingham Police arrested Freeman, 54, on Sunday at 5:40 p.m. after a woman reported she was assaulted in a room at the motel, 650 Cochituate Road, according to a police report filed in Framingham District Court by Officer Steven Patriarca.

The woman said she was sitting outside her room when Freeman started talking to her. She said he made her feel uncomfortable.

“He said, ‘I am not a rapist and I don’t hit women,”‘ Patriarca said, and the woman told police that she found the statement strange, according to the newspaper.

After a while, the woman decided to go back to her room, but Freeman stuck his foot in the door and asked her to go out for a beer. She declined. She went into the bathroom, and when she came out Freeman was sitting on her bed, drinking a beer. The woman said Freeman had locked the door, Patriarca said.

Freeman stuck his hand up the leg of the woman’s shorts, under her panties and attempted to touch her, the woman told police.

The woman pulled away and grabbed a knife.

“She said, ‘Get out or I will cut off your (expletive),”‘ Patriarca said.

Freeman said, “Whoa, whoa,” and left, the officer wrote in his report.

When police found Freeman later, he denied being in the woman’s room. He said they had driven together to buy beer, but he never touched her.

Police arrested Freeman and charged him with indecent assault and battery on a person older than 14 and disorderly conduct.

Freeman, who listed the motel as his address, was released without bail after being booked at the station and was ordered to appear in court yesterday at 9 a.m. He did not show.

Read more: Judge issues warrant for Framingham sex assault suspect – Framingham, Massachusetts – The Framingham Tab http://www.wickedlocal.com/framingham/news/x242758750/Judge-issues-warrant-for-Framingham-sex-assault-suspect#ixzz1MCLzIMnm

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