Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer in Boston, MA

When an intoxicated individual gets behind the wheel, they put everyone else at risk of injury and, in some cases, death. Unfortunately, the victims of these accidents may suffer from various life-altering injuries, including broken bones, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, crush injuries, and/or death. These injuries often require extensive and expensive medical care, adding to the already overwhelming and stressful aftermath of the crash.

That’s where our experienced drunk driving accident lawyers at the Fogelman Law Firm come in. While we can’t undo the traumatic event you experienced, we can help you pursue legal action against the at-fault party and fight to secure compensation. We’re here to advocate for your rights and guide you through every step.

Types of Compensation Available in Drunk Driving Accidents

In Massachusetts drunk driving accident cases, there are two primary types of compensation available: economic damages and non-economic damages.

Economic damages cover monetary losses associated with your accident, including:

  • Medical bills
  • Future medical bills, such as rehabilitation and physical therapy costs associated with your injury
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of future earning capacity
  • Property damage, such as damage to your vehicle

Non-economic damages apply to the non-financial losses stemming from your accident, including:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

Since economic damages hinge on monetary losses, calculating them is straightforward. Non-economic damages are more subjective and are often based on economic damage amounts.

Punitive Damages

In rare drunk driving accident cases involving the death of an individual, punitive damages may be available. The courts award these damages to punish the drunk driver for their actions and deter them from committing the act again.

These damages aren’t a guarantee in personal injury cases. The courts may award them in cases involving gross negligence and/or willful, wanton, or reckless acts. Since drunk driving cases often involve such circumstances, the courts may award them in certain situations. We will help you determine what types of damages may be available to you, your family, or your estate based on the circumstances surrounding your case.

Statute of Limitations in Drunk Driving Cases

Every state outlines a statute of limitations on different types of cases. This is the amount of time you have to file a lawsuit against the at-fault party. If you don’t file your case within this timeframe, you may forfeit your rights to pursue legal action against the responsible party.

In Massachusetts, you have three years to file a personal injury lawsuit against the drunk driver who is responsible for your injuries. While exceptions may apply in select cases, it’s important to act immediately. A knowledgeable drunk driving accident lawyer can help you file applicable documents within the appropriate time frame.

Why Choose the Fogelman Law Firm for Your Drunk Driving Accident Case?

At the Fogelman Law Firm, we’ve helped many residents from Boston and beyond, to navigate their drunk driving accident cases. We recognize the debilitating physical, emotional, and psychological effects that can stem from personal injuries associated with drunk driving accidents. We strive to ease the burden individuals and families experience after such accidents by helping them fight for the compensation they deserve.

We’re here to guide you through every step of the process, handling the brunt of the legal process while you focus on healing. We will:

  • Conduct a thorough investigation to gather essential evidence, including police reports, dashcam footage, and witness testimonies
  • Offer sound legal guidance to help you understand your legal options and make informed decisions
  • Advocate for your rights and interests
  • Negotiate settlement offers with the at-fault party’s insurer
  • Represent you in court to help you fight for the compensation you deserve if you don’t receive a fair settlement offer

We are your advocates through this difficult time. If you or a family member has been injured due to another’s negligence in a drunk driving accident, we can help you determine your legal options.

Contact Our Experienced Drunk Driving Accident Lawyers Today

Seeking legal guidance in the chaotic and emotionally trying aftermath of a drunk driving accident may be the last thing on your mind. However, it’s a crucial part of fighting for justice and pursuing the compensation you deserve. If you’ve been injured in a drunk driving accident due to another’s negligence, our experienced team at the Fogelman Law Firm is here to help.

We’ve helped many Boston residents navigate the intricacies of the legal system and can help you do the same. Contact us today at (617) 559-1530 or complete our online contact form to start with a free consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much is My Personal Injury Lawsuit Worth?

The value of your personal injury lawsuit hinges on factors specific to your case, including the severity of your injury and the likelihood of making a full recovery. Cases involving severe or life-altering injuries are often worth more, but value can vary from case to case. Your lawyer will evaluate your case to determine a fair amount to pursue.

Do I Have to Hire a Lawyer for My Drunk Driving Accident Case?

You’re not required to enlist help from a drunk driving accident lawyer. However, personal injury law can be complex, so it’s a wise idea to chat with a knowledgeable lawyer who can help you navigate the specifics of your case and pursue the most favorable outcome. They’ll ensure you understand your legal options and help you make informed decisions surrounding negotiations, settlements, and other aspects of your case.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer?

The financial fallout from a drunk driving accident is stressful enough without worrying about paying a lawyer. However, when you work with our firm, you won’t have to worry about that. Every law firm is different, but at the Fogelman Law Firm, we work on contingency. This means that you won’t pay us anything out of pocket, even if we aren’t successful in a verdict or settlement. You’ll never pay us anything unless we recover for you.

Can We Help You?

Call 617.559.1530 or complete the form below.


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