Boston Employment Discrimination Lawyer

For the most part, an employer can hire, promote, compensate, and fire “at-will” employees freely. However, employers cannot make these decisions based on a protected class. If they do, they violate employment law, and the employee may pursue legal action against them.

If you believe your employer has passed you over for a promotion, fired you, or otherwise discriminated against you based on a protected class, you may have grounds for a lawsuit. Our experienced Boston employment discrimination lawyers at the Fogelman Law Firm can help you determine your legal options and hold your employer accountable for their discriminatory actions.

What is an Employment Discrimination Lawsuit?

Employment discrimination occurs when an employer takes adverse action against an employee or job applicant based on a protected class, including:

  • Race
  • Color
  • Religion
  • Sex, including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation
  • National origin
  • Disability/Medical Condition
  • Age
  • Genetic information

Employment discrimination can include refusing to hire, fire, or otherwise mistreat someone due to these factors. It may also involve aspects such as pay, job assignments, promotions, training opportunities, and other terms and conditions and employment.

For example, suppose a pregnant woman is fired from her job. The employer is free to fire the woman for a multitude of reasons. It’s possible her job performance is failing to meet expectations, or she simply isn’t a good fit with the existing team. Regardless, both of these are legal reasons to terminate an employee.

However, the employer can’t fire her for being pregnant—that is employment discrimination. She can’t be fired for being a “burden” due to her upcoming maternity leave or prenatal appointments. If the employer fires her for that reason, she may pursue legal action against the company for the employer’s discriminatory actions.

Or, suppose a 65-year-old man is fired from his job. He’s nearing retirement, and in the days and weeks leading up to his termination, he hears his boss making comments about his age. He also notices that he’s getting fewer job assignments and opportunities to learn new technologies than his younger coworkers.

Like our previous example, this is employment discrimination. Individuals over the age of 40 are a protected class and cannot be fired for their age. If his age was the sole reason he was fired, this man may pursue legal action against his employer for employment discrimination.

How Do I Know If I Have an Employment Discrimination Lawsuit?

Sometimes, employment discrimination is blatantly obvious, but in other cases, the unfair treatment might be more subtle or circumstantial. If you believe your employer has discriminated against you on the basis of a protected class, you may have grounds for an employment lawsuit.

A skilled Boston employment discrimination lawyer can help you determine whether you have an employment lawsuit. We will carefully evaluate the circumstances surrounding your situation to determine whether you have grounds for a lawsuit.

How an Employment Discrimination Lawyer Can Help

Employment discrimination cases are complicated and tricky to navigate without an in-depth understanding of employment law. That’s where a skilled employment discrimination lawyer comes in.

We can provide invaluable assistance to help you navigate your case. We’re well-versed in discrimination cases and possess an in-depth understanding of employment laws. If you believe your employer has discriminated against you based on a protected class, we can help you traverse the legal system.

We’ll guide you through every phase of the process, shouldering the bulk of the legal process while keeping you informed. We will:

  • Assess your situation to determine your legal options
  • Explain the legal process and help you understand what to expect
  • Gather evidence to support your case, including relevant documents and witness statements
  • Advocate for your rights and best interests
  • Offer sound legal guidance to help you make informed decisions
  • Represent you in negotiations or court proceedings

We’re here to help. If your employer has discriminated against you based on a protected class, we can help you determine your legal options and take action to hold them responsible.

Proving an Employment Discrimination Case

Proving employment discrimination in a lawsuit often involves providing evidence to support your claim. This evidence may include documentation of discriminatory actions, such as emails, memos, or performance reviews that demonstrate bias based on a protected class. In some cases, witness statements from co-workers or supervisors who observed or were aware of discriminatory behavior can also strengthen the case.

Comparative or comparator evidence may be used to show that individuals outside of the protected class were treated more favorably in similar situations. For example, if an employee can demonstrate that a colleague outside of their protected class received better treatment, such as a promotion, job assignment, or compensation, it can help establish a pattern of discrimination.

Statistical evidence surrounding data on hiring, promotion, or termination patterns, may also be relevant, further demonstrating a disparate impact on a protected class.

Every case is unique, so the evidence necessary to prove discrimination can vary. We’ll carefully evaluate your situation and gather evidence to build a strong case.

Consult With Our Knowledgeable Boston Employment Discrimination Lawyers

If you believe your employer has discriminated against you on the basis of a protected class, you may have grounds for an employment lawsuit. At the Fogelman Law Firm, we’re here to help you navigate your case and determine your legal options. Our knowledgeable Boston employment discrimination lawyers will guide you through each step. Contact us today at (617) 559-1530 or complete our online contact form to start with a free consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What May Come of an Employment Discrimination Lawsuit?

The goal of an employment discrimination lawsuit can vary. Sometimes, returning to the job may not be desirable or feasible. If that’s the case, the objective may be to obtain compensation, a letter of recommendation, or benefits and compensation that may have otherwise been due.

How Much is an Employment Discrimination Lawsuit Worth?

Every employment discrimination lawsuit is different. Value can vary based on the factors specific to your case, including the benefits or wages related to the dispute, the severity of the violation, and emotional distress. We’ll carefully evaluate those specifics to determine the value of your case.

Do I Need an Employment Lawyer?

Lawsuits surrounding employment discrimination are rarely straightforward. Instead, they are often complex and nuanced due to ever-evolving employment laws surrounding employer-employee relationships. A skilled Boston employment discrimination lawyer can help advocate for your rights and uphold your interests to pursue the best possible outcome.

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