NH Man Arrested for Filming Sex Act Involving Mass. Teen

A man from Exeter, New Hampshire, is scheduled to appear in Hampton District Court facing severe charges related to child exploitation for allegedly producing and sharing a video of two minors engaged in a sexual act. This incident took place in a rental property on Hampton Beach, involving one minor from Massachusetts, reports indicate.

The individual in question, 21-year-old Robert Stephens from Prospect Street, is accused of utilizing the webcam on his laptop to record a video in May 2011. The footage allegedly shows his 15-year-old brother and a 14-year-old girl from Massachusetts, whom they had encountered on the beach, in a sexual encounter at a cottage on Page Lane. At the time the video was made, Stephens was 19 years old.

During his court appearance on May 9, Stephens did not submit a plea. He faces charges for creating an image of child sexual abuse and for distributing child pornography, specifically through YouTube. These charges are considered Class B felonies. It is important to note that Stephens is not accused of having any physical contact with the juveniles involved.

The authorities were alerted to this disturbing situation on January 19, 2012, following a tip from a school resource officer in Newbury, Massachusetts. The officer reported that a female student had discovered an unauthorized video of herself online. The investigation, spearheaded by Detective Chris Gilroy of the Hampton Police and a member of the New Hampshire Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, led to Stephens’ identification. The investigation involved examining Stephens’ YouTube and Facebook accounts, revealing further attempts to exploit and harass the female victim.

Detective Gilroy’s findings included allegations of Stephens propositioning the female victim over Facebook, suggesting she engage in prostitution. These communications occurred shortly after the initial incident, with Stephens allegedly attempting to arrange for the victim to engage in sexual activities for money.

The investigative efforts also uncovered attempts by Stephens to share the video on YouTube, despite the platform’s policies against such content. One posting attempt was thwarted, but Gilroy discovered another upload under a different title, set to private viewing for Stephens’ YouTube subscribers.

As the investigation continued, authorities obtained multiple search warrants for Stephens’ internet accounts and personal property, leading to his arrest. He is currently held on a $10,000 cash bail at the Rockingham County House of Corrections, awaiting further legal proceedings.

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